Tuesday, April 26, 2011

flowers for you

this time last year

work from the Fellowship Exhibition 2010. Icelandic landscape inspired embroidery pieces. Each were hand painted warp, hand woven and hand embroidered. 

this piece was my favorite i think. it says "it calls" in Icelandic. 

old projects

Danger Poppies. 2010. Original screenprint. conversational print involving the issues of drug use.

detail of Icelandic Alphabet. 2010. Original screenprint. based on Icelandic alphabet and graffiti.
Horse Chestnut Leaves. 2008. Hand drawn and Adobe Photoshop. I was obsessed with horse chestnuts when I was a sophomore. 

the sewn map

for thesis i am also working on a map of philly in thread, to relate to the embroidery. i sewed it on Sulky water-soluble fabric in about four layers on the sewing machine. 

before i dissolved it...

detail of it before dissolving...

me spraying it away.

more pictures of the map and my thesis to follow! 

Moore College of Art & Design
20th & The Parkway
April 28th - May 14th